
Batteries give LIFE to your golf cart, which is why we sell QUALITY brands with a variety of power sources. We help you decide which is best for your lifestyle and educate you on how to best maintain them.


Lead-acid batteries

We carry both Trojan and Powertron brands. Traditional lead acid batteries are the least expensive option, but only have a life expectancy of 3-6 years when properly maintained. We recommend charging after each use or at least every few weeks, frequent cleaning of the terminals and tightening of the connections. The water level of each cell must be checked monthly. The easiest way to fill your batteries is with a HydroLink™ watering system. It’s quick and takes the guess work out of the watering process. Due to the maintenance involved, lead acid batteries are not recommended for golf car owners who are away from their cart for months at a time.

  • Battery 1
  • Battery 3

Lithium Ion 

We carry ROYPOW 105L and 105P, Trojan 105 and EZGO Samsung Elite. Lithium batteries are more expensive than lead acid, but are maintenance free and have a life expectancy of 9-11 years. They discharge much more slowly than lead acid, making them ideal for seasonal residents.


Most of the golf car brands we sell now come with lithium batteries. If you’re due for new batteries, this may be a great time to trade in your old cart for a lithium powered one! 

Click contact us to schedule your battery or watering system installation or to start a trade in value with the sales department!